No More Caffeine

Okay...I've done it. I've gone almost 50 days without Coca-Cola. Considering that I've been addicted to soft drinks all my life, I find this to be quite an accomplishment. I'm so glad I don't smoke or drink. I would have to say I would be an alcoholic and inhaling through a breathing apparatus in failed attempts to quit both addictions.

While my friends over at Thinklings are still guessing the color of Gatorade, I decided on July 1st to give up that brown, fizzy, sweet, satisfying drink for health reasons. My weight has dropped, my blood sugar has dropped, headaches are gone, and food tastes much better.

Understand, I'm surrounded by good people that workout everyday and eat right. I'm part of a workout team of friends whose healthy habits have rubbed off on me. Plus, I'm getting older...the engine doesn't heal and move like it 'used to could'.

Have I missed that refreshing Original? Heck yeah! There is nothing like going to the movies and sipping on bottled water while munching on popcorn. Yummy... indeed satisfying(sarcasm for those that don't know me). But I have to admit the cravings are less now and other things taste much sweeter since I've given up the Real Thing.

Those that know me...would ALL agree that I don't need anymore caffeine. I'm naturally energetic.

Anyway...starting Sunday, August 20, the Bear is going Turkey, cold turkey on caffeine. Thought I was a BEAR when I gave up soft drinks? Run for the's going to get ugly.

Maybe I'll take up smoking.


Thirsty Bear said…
Day 2 and counting-Real cranky but too busy at work to let it get to me. I almost had tea at lunch today. And to make things more bitter, I returned to SEALPT this morning and got the living tar beat out of me. The Bear is tired, jittery, and sore.
Thirsty Bear said…
Wait a there caffeine in Gatorade?
Anonymous said…
Great!! but give up caffeine??? Coffee and Tea, I don't think I could live without those delicious drinks.. Love, Grandma
Mama Bear said…
I'm worried that Rene' is talking about himself in the third person! Mama Bear would NEVER do that!!!!!

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