Another Season Bites the Dust

We had our playoff tournament in softball tonight. We were tied for 1st during the season. Little good that did us. We lost by 1 in the first round. At least we are par. Last season we did the same thing. Our fielding was pathetic and I only got on base once and that was because the shortstop missed the ball I hit right to him. I lined one to 2nd, grounded to the pitcher, and popped out (a foul) to the third base side. Rene' was a hitting machine tonight. And he did real well pitching. He just didn't have the support he needed. We went three scoreless innings before we scored our first run in the 4th! LOUSY!

The good news is we are reorganizing the team. We have picked up two new ladies, so we are excited about that, to see how everyone is going to fit into the scheme of things. We start next Sunday with a fresh team, I hope!

Also this week we will be dog-sitting Abbey. She is my parents' dog. They are going on vacation to Kentucky, I think. Our dogs are going to have a field day playing with her. I just hope she doesn't like the taste of our new siding. My dad says Abbey loves chewing on their garage!


Mama Bear said…
Abbey-sitting update: She likes the taste of the weather stripping that Crystal started chewing on right after we fixed the garage. I caught her in the act, so I was able to "beat" her into her senses. Just kidding. I banned her from the inside of the garage. Unfortunately, this affects our dogs' ability to also get into the garage during these sweltering days!
Rene' gave all the dogs a bath during the rainstorm on Saturday. They were all ticked off! It was a very easy assembly line because they were already wet.

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