Tooth #2 Gone!

Jack lost his second tooth tonight. Like the first, it had been dangling there by a mere thread. We were subbing for a friend tonight in a softball game, and Jack came running over, "I pulled my tooth!" The entire dugout applauded him, which embarrassed him immensely, but he got over it. He proceeded to tell me that David coached him on how to do it. He "karate chopped it and twisted it!" They were playing on the playground equipment at the Post Oak YMCA while we played softball. Rene' put the tooth in his bag for safe keeping. The tooth fairy should visit tonight!


Thirsty Bear said…
The Tooth Fairy showed up at 6AM this morning and deposited a financial trade for the second tooth. I heard him *ahem* her stumble against the side of the hallway and stub a toe on a Lego creation inside Jack's room.
Anonymous said…
I love it! Can I use this picture as my wall paper? Love, Grandma
Mama Bear said…
If you right click on the picture you can save it to your computer.

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