Doe, a Deer, a female deer...

Monday, my car was struck by a deer. I never saw the doe until the very moment she struck the driver side of my Taurus. The deer struck my car with such impact she crushed my driver and passenger doors beyond repair.

Unfortunately, I watched the animal expire on the wet pavement. Then, I performed the grim task of pulling her carcass out of the way of traffic. Several folks told me to throw her in my trunk. "Good venison," they yelled. Nice, I thought, I'm all broken up because I've killed Bambi's mother and they want me eat her.

It's been a week and I'm still driving the Taurus. Ironically, the driver door opens and there is no wind noise or rain leakage through the damaged door. Ford wins my vote for well built.


Unknown said…
If you think you feel bad about it...

Imagine how the deer feels...

Oh, wait...

It isn't feeling anything any more!
Mama Bear said…
yeah, I drove it the other day and tried to roll the window down. I realized something was wrong when I heard scratching and crunching glass! It looks fine inside.
Anonymous said…



Thirsty Bear said…
Yes, Grandma...poor deer.
Thirsty Bear said…
Update: I, finally, took the car in for repair this morning. Now, I'm driving a Dodge Dakota for business. Nice little truck.

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