Ann Coulter and her Faith

My friends over at have posted about Ann Coulter's Email interview with Beliefnet.

For a long time I wondered why there wasn’t a female Conservative voice to challenge the mainstream media. I recommend the gutsy, well-documented Godless.

Like a said…I believe she is a Godsend. Keep it up, Ann!


Frank Staheli said…
I agree with you. It's interesting how many liberals go into apoplexy because she cuts them to the quick.

Very seldom do they challenge her on any of her statements, but they rather call her names, charge her with plagiarism, and say that she didn't write her own book.

I don't agree with her on everything, but that's the beauty of it. (I do agree with her on most things.) But I wish that I could say it with as much with and clarity that she does!!
Thirsty Bear said…

Thank you for the comment.

The liberals even ask her about her sexual preferences in bed. How immature and shallow. You know they have no basis for their beliefs when they have to reduce themselves to publicly soliciting her bedroom activity. I notice they make fun of her attire or her use of her striking feminity when she appears on television.

I, too, don't agree with everything she says...but I do hope she stays on message and remains a bur under the saddle of the liberals.

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