Tony Hawk, look out!

Since Thirsty Bear gave Mama Bear "Tony Hawk's Underground" (a game for XBOX) for Mother's Day, the baby bears have been into skateboarding again. David beat the game last week, and has since been trying out all the moves on his own board. Here he is manualing.

David is 'skitching' on the back of the wagon which Jack is pulling while Carly and Crystal look on. Notice they are both wearing their X-game helmets. Skitching was made famous by Michael J. Fox in "Back to the Future" where he skitches on the back of a jeep in the opening scene.

Kohl's also carries the Tony Hawk line of clothing for boys, which Mama Bear is so thankful for because some of them are not just t-shirts. Jack actually begs to wear his collared Tony Hawk shirt, when normally I have to beg him to put one on for church! So XBOX does have it's positive side! Jack in his new Tony Hawk shirt (complete with a hawk emblem on the chest)...notice that his new tooth is also coming in nicely!


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