Jack Lost His First Tooth

My first post and it's not some political rant about illegal immigration or the tired argument over the validity of Calvinism or how Ann Coulter is a Godsend. Nope, nowhere close. I've posted a simple message about my youngest son losing his first tooth.

After weeks of wiggling his loose tooth with dirty fingers and a curious tongue, Jack Ryan pulled out his first tooth in Sunday School. What a proud moment for the entire Thirsty Bear clan. The family went to a luncheon after Sunday Worship and Jack proceeded to greet everyone politely. Then he showed them the gap in his smile.


Mama Bear said…
I can't wait to get the camera back so we can show an actual picture of his "gap". Oh, and don't call him toothless becacuse that makes him mad.

Thank you for not posting crap about Calvinism. Don't even get me started on that divisive issue...

We'll leave that for another day!

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