The Results Are In!
Last Friday, April 20, the Rivera Clan competed in the President's Fitness Challenge (PFC) through our homeschool co-op. It was a great day for a challenge and there was a very good turn out of 20+ kids and several parents competed also. There are five events: 1 mile run, sit ups, push ups or pull ups, shuttle run, and the sit-n-reach. There are three award categories: white for completing all five events, red for achieving the 50 percentile marks in each event, and the coveted blue for achieving the 85 percentile marks in each event.
Jack competed in the 7 year old boy category. As a seven year old he had the option of running the quarter mile instead of the mile. He made the red time for it and the blue marks for all the other events; therefore he earned the red patch and t-shirt!
David competed in the 9 year old boy category. He had the option of running the half mile and because of growing pains (his knees) and a sprained ankle from the previous night he ran the half mile. He missed the red time by about 20 seconds, and he achieved red and blue marks in all other events except the sit-n-reach. He's not the most flexible person in the world! He earned the white patch and shirt for his effort!

BoBo also competed and blew the competition away in the mile even though he was the oldest competing participant at 60! He ran a 6:30, I believe and was competing at the 17 year old boy level. He was good enough to earn the red patch at that level, but was awarded the blue shirt because he easily surpassed the standards at his age level!
Rene' also competed at the 17 year old boy level. He made the blue marks in the push ups and sit ups, and hit the red marks in the others. Rene' also earned the blue shirt for his performance at his age level!
I competed at the 17 year old girl level. I made blue marks on all events except sit-n-reach, which I achieved red on. I also earned the blue shirt for surpassing the requirements for a 30 something lady!
It was a lot of fun and several kids earned blue, a few more earned red, and most earned white. As David found out there is no shame in white, as some of the kids gave up before they finished because they weren't going to achieve blue; therefore, they didn't earn any recognition. I am so proud of my boys for training and pushing through the hard parts and not quitting. It makes them stronger and other every day problems seem easier.