
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
-Matthew 13:44

We’ve all gotten the emails with outlandish stories about fraud, viruses, dead atheists trying to take away freedoms, people waking up in bathtubs full of ice...urban legends.

We roll our eyes when friends with credibility forward this junk email to us convinced that it is true. We throw our hands up when family send us the same email and we wonder how we are related to such gullible people.

We confirm the story through a website that we consider a reliable source. Snopes! Most likely, the story is false. So we send out an email full of wisdom comparable to Solomon.

BUT…every now and then…Snopes verifies a story as TRUE. And we accept it. No questions asked…and we pass on the email. We are the enlightened ones. Our job is to get the word out. So we click-“SEND”.

Would our lives be easier if Snopes listed the Bible as True. The statement: “Jesus is the only Way” was preceded by a green dot of truth. That Hell is a real place. What about Heaven? Would we be more inclined to pass that story along if Snopes had it listed as TRUE and validated our walk with Christ?


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