The Boys' Fence Project
Last Friday the Boys, David and Jack, spend an entire day helping me to remove the side yard 6' privacy fence and start installing the posts and bracing. The old fence is 90' in length and had cedar planking on both sides so it was quite a chore to remove it.
I had the boys to sign the following agreement:
Being of sound mind and strong muscles capable of performing fence work, I, David, and I, Jack, do hereby agree to the following terms of employment with BoBo:
Remove old fence planking;
Remove nails from the old fence planking;
Remove old fence posts;
Remove 2 X 4 bracing on old fence;
Help dig post holes -- remove dirt as BoBo digs the post holes;
Level the ground by removing excess soil and vegetation;
Install plastic temporary fencing to keep Abby Thurmond in the yard;
Collect pieces of lumber, posts, etc. for disposal;
Help BoBo with setting the posts and preparing the concrete;
Follow instructions from the project manager, BoBo;
Work in a safe manner; and
Other chores and tasks as directed by BoBo.
For performing the above work in a satisfactory manner and following instructions, you will be paid $3/hour. The project manager reserves the right to adjust pay up or down according to the quality of your performance.
Tools required of you -- hammer, gloves (if you wish), safety goggles, and common sense.
Rest breaks are allowed every 45 minutes.
Lunch break is from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
I also had the boys to sign a time sheet each time they started work and took off from work. I told them that inside the house I was BoBo but outside on the job, I was their Boss!
Well, as you can see from the attached photos they earned their money -- a little over $21 for about 7 hours work. They removed the planks with hammers and crowbars, they removed the nails from the planking, they torn down the 2X4 bracing and some of the posts. They also helped me to mix concrete for setting two posts and install some 2X4 bracing.
My assessment of their work performance:
They are both good hard workers.
They do as they are told.
They work pretty good as a team -- they took turns with the chores.
A lizard, bugs, or wasps can distract them from the job.
During rest breaks they do everything but rest.
They eat a lot.
More invaluable time spent with the Boys!