Update on the Boys from Bobo

The latest on the Boys:

Last week I took David and Jack over to the Sugar Land dirt bike trail with all its humps, bumps, and curves. Jack took his little battery operated motorcycle man and played with it for about 20 minutes -- it could make it over the humps, but it frequently was high centered with its wheels just spinning. David took a bike but after one round, he said his hurt toe (he had recently lost a toenail) was bothering him and he took about a 3 mile ride on the asphalt trail along Oyster Creek.

When David returned, he gave the dirt bike trail another try and felt okay. By this time, Jack was bored with his motorcycle so they started taking turns.

We were there for over 2 hours and we saw lots of kids come and go. The Boys rode with all them and gave them plenty of free (and I might say unsolicited advice) on how to ride the humps so that you cleared the ground. They drank three bottles of water -- we had only one so once Jack walked about qtr of mile to refill the bottle and the next time I did. One boy about 10 years old and his sister came up on good looking bikes. On his second round, he turned over on a hump and landed flat on his chest. At first he didn't move and I thought he was dead -- but he had his breath knocked out of him. I helped him up and he immediately took off for home with his sister. If that had been Jack or David, I would have encouraged them to keep riding and not let a fall keep you from competing.

Thank God for the Boys.


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