We've Been Comcast-icized!

Not to be confused with circumcized, but painful none the less. Comcast has taken over Roadrunner and many folks I know are experiencing email difficulties. Thankfully, I am not one of them at this point, but I have yet to notify every person in my address book of the change to my email address!

I hope you are enjoying the heat as much as I am. I was sweating all last night after our first FULL day of sunshine. I think our house was freaking out because our a.c. ran all night long. We have had so much rain and cloud cover, I almost forgot that it is summer and supposed to be hot! We've had 12.5" of rain just for the month of July...whew - wee. Our back yard is covered in fungus and mud puddles. The dogs love it because we threw some sand down just to eliminate some of the sticky mud and sinking up to our ankles when we were in the backyard. Well, they've been scratching it up and lying in it - rolling in it, bathing, so to speak. Carly, our blond dog, looks as if she has black stripes from all the rolling in the mud she does. Silly dog!


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