Thoughts During a Run

5:15 pm - Guess I'll go run; 5:30 - This isn't so bad and it isn't as cold as I thought it'd be.  0.9 miles - I'm finally warming up, legs are loose and I feel good.  I think I'll run 2 tonight, just to get something in. 1.2 miles - dang, I'm not sure I want to do this tonight.  It is getting dark.  Oh well, here come some walkers, I better pick up the pace.  1.5 miles - ok, I'm going to run 2 then turn back home.  2.1 miles - Oh, I passed 2 miles, I better go for three - ooooo, look at the Christmas lights on this street.  I really like that twinkling red and white tree. Almost to 3 miles - good I'm almost done.  3 miles - well, I'm turning around, and I don't feel like walking all the way back home, that will take too long and it's dark now.  I'll at least try to run to Olympia.  DOG!  Stand your ground - good he's just a barker - little punk!  Well, I made it this far I might as well run all the way back home.  3.6 miles at the corner of my block - I can't come this far and not finish a 4 miler.  I'll just go around my block.  Pick up the pace!  3.9 miles - surely it will be 4 miles by that light pole.  Dang, not quite.  Sprint to next Pole.  Come on almost done!  OK almost to the next light pole.  Done!  4.1 miles!  Sweet.  I feel so much better for doing that.

Now on to cook dinner for the family.


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