David wins three throw contest

Today I took David along with me to a Knights of Columbus basketball free throw competition at the Stafford High School gym. I was working the event and brought David along to get him out of the house. I asked him if he wanted to compete, he said "no."

After we arrived, David changed his mind and entered the contest. In his group there were 5 ten year olds -- all of whom played in the Stafford Youth Basketball League. David looked out of place in his street clothes. However, he made 8 out of 15 shots and won his age group. He was so proud and happy.
David qualified for the Regionals on Super Bowl Sunday.


Unknown said…
Congratulations David and the whole Bear clan.
jel said…
way to go David!!!
Thirsty Bear said…
Correction...it is a FREE throw shooting contest not a THREE shot shooting contest.

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